My generation is usually called “The Millennials,” -born from 1981 to 1996. Some of us fit into Gen Z (born 1997 to 2013). Regardless of what you call us, we’re almost always butting heads with Boomers. Or at least, that’s what the culture says.

That’s just who we are, right? We reject morals, have no firm values, lack ambition, and hold no regard for the people who came before us. We don’t vote, can’t hold a job, and are obviously confused where religion is concerned. And yet, ask any of us a few questions, and you might find these stereotypes falling apart… In fact, just a few more questions, like really get to know us, and I think you’ll find that we’re really not that different from you Boomers at all. Some of us are even friends with Boomers. Consider them mentors. Want to learn from them. Crazy, I know.
Hear me out.
A film recently came out portraying (a somewhat romanticized version of) the Jesus People movement of the 1970s, titled The Jesus Revolution. Something that was probably a bit startling for anyone watching was that it could have very easily been about American culture right here, right now. The movie opens on a late teenage good-for-nothing, stuck in class at a military academy, dying to just get out and find some real purpose in his life. He meets a girl (as you do), and since they’re both feeling the same pull, they decide to hit the road together, exploring all their options. They find they’re not alone in this quest for meaning. Actually, the youth of the entire nation are feeling it. The couple tries all the bandwagon routes to satisfaction, those old familiar symbols of the 70s: drugs, Woodstock, groovy music… But none of it works. None of it fills the hole… until a hippie preacher rolls into town.
The rest of the movie is quite literally history. With the understanding that it’s the only true end to their restlessness, Lonnie Frisbee leads the first steps in a whole movement of young people after Jesus.
That’s us.
History is repeating itself, Boomers. Those Woodstockers in their long hair and sandals, lost in themselves? That’s my generation, right now. And just like you, we’re trying to find the end to our hearts’ deepest longings in all the wrong places.
We need you. You’re the only people alive right now who understand what we’re going through, but even more importantly, you’ve made it to the other side. You have experience, wisdom, and advice that we have to tap if we’re going to make it, and as much as you might be tempted to think we don’t have time for you, that’s simply not true. While I can’t say this about everything we do, one thing my generation does well is asking for a hand when we need it. We’re not too prideful to admit when we’ve been beat.0
So give us your stories, Boomers. Sing us your songs. Reach out a hand, and help us to believe that we don’t have to carry the world on our shoulders. And the power to take this sad song and make it better?
It’s ours, together.
What a beautiful article... Every generation can find something in common with each other.